Dear Potential Pastor Candidate, 

Covenant Baptist Church of San Antonio, Texas, is seeking a primary pastor. The church commissioned three members as a Pastor Search Team in May 2020 and the team is receiving resumes at this time. It is our plan to accept resumes through July 18, 2020  and be able to call our pastor in late Summer or early Fall. 

We have been described in many ways as an unusual Baptist church, and it is our desire to retain our distinctive callings and passions while being open to healthy growth and change as we move into this new season of our community life. Our journey to better understand and practice the contemplative Christian life has led us to host retreats and develop our grounds with prayer paths and a labyrinth. For a community of our small size, we have been blessed to be able to involve our members in a variety of mission endeavors, from local initiatives (such as our refugee outreach), to a history of mission trips to  and current relationship with Moldova and Eastern Congo. We have sometimes been described as a “hospital church,” a safe and gentle place where people can come for healing and nurturing if they have been hurt by church experiences in the past. Although we value spiritual growth over growth in size, we also recognize that we have not been strong in outreach or evangelism and pray for healthy change in our areas of weakness. 

We anticipate this primary pastor position to be part-time or bi-vocational.  Based on our current church budget, the salary range we can offer is $32,000-$34,000.

If you are interested in being considered for this calling, please fill out the application form at the link below.

We look forward to hearing from you and trust in the Holy Spirit’s guidance in this process.

Thank you,

Pastor Search Team